NNIA CPD Activities

Who are we? About our initiative How to login How to earn your CPD points
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in healthcare is the virtuous circle of maintenance and development of competence, skills and knowledge through learner-centred and evidence-based activities. Completion of CPD activities as required by professional bodies is to promote and ensure effective, efficient, and ethical patient care by healthcare professional (HCP).
CPD activities from the Nestlé Nutrition Institute Africa (NNIA) keep HCPs updated with new research and advances in nutrition, benefiting patients across professions where nutrition care is practiced.
Equip yourself with advances in your field to better serve your patients.
The NNIA helps you to practice lifelong learning through webinars, trainings, tools, and peer-reviewed publications.
When you register with the NNIA we keep a record of your occupation and your interests, helping us provide you with CPD activities that serve your profession and interests.
Broaden your knowledge and improve your skills to enhance your daily practice and career with CPD activities from the NNIA.
Sign up for accessible, relevant, and inovative CPD activities!
The NNIA posts activities in the form of scientific articles and webinars accompanied by multiple-choice questionnaires that are accredited for 2 or 3 CPD points each.
Members must obtain a minimum score of 70% to attain the allocated CPD points. To keep our NNIA members updated, regular alerts on upcoming CPD activities are sent via email.
The CPD activities are available online for their entire year of accreditation.
Healthcare professionals can complete our CPD activities until the 15th of December each year.
A CPD certificate is available immediately upon completion of an activity. Those registered with the HPCSA will have their points updated on the HPCSA portal regularly*. Members can view their NNIA CPD activities and points at any time on their NNIA profile.
*The NNIA sends an activity update to the HPCSA fortnightly
Non-HPCSA accredited healthcare professionals are encouraged to enquire with their relevant professional bodies on whether HPCSA-accredited activities will be recognised for CPD points.
Existing Users
- Username: If you are registered with the NNIA, your username will be your council registration, for example, “DT12345” (without any spaces).
This will be your username even if you have only used the previous version of the NNIA’s CPD platform and not the newly launched platform (31 March 2023). - Password: This will be the password that was created upon registration with the NNIA. To reset your password, type in your username and click “Forgot your password?”. An email will be sent for a password reset.
New Users
- Click “Sign Up”
- Fill in in your details
- Select a password that contains 10 or more characters with a mix of lower and uppercase letters, numbers and a minimum of 1 special character
- Use your council registration number as your username (without spaces)
- Download the PDF file/s for the article/s and read through the content.
- Click the start button on the specific PDF to begin with the questions on the prescribed content.
- Select the answer to the questions by selecting the appropriate radio button.
- You will need to attain a score of 70% or more to attain CPD points. A score of less than 70% will unfortunately not earn you any CEUs, but you may choose to re-submit your answer sheet.
- Submit your answers by clicking the button at the bottom of the answer sheet. You must be online to submit your answer sheet.
- 6. Certificates will be systems-generated and automatically sent to your email.
The NNIA is 1 of 18 chapters of the Global Nestlé Nutrition Institute (NNI). We focus our content to serve the East and Southern Africa (ESAR) region, providing you with relevant science-based knowledge to better implement nutrition in your practice. With our global footprint, our CPD activities cover global concerns, keeping you in the know.
As a leading nutrition organisation, we aim to keep registered healthcare professionals informed about the latest research and developments in the field of nutrition, adding value to their professional growth and daily practice. This aligns with the NNIA’s mission and vision, click here to find out more about the NNIA.