Nutrition Publications

The NNIA’s online library of publications provides you with information on the latest nutrition topics. This library is a valuable resource for anyone interested in public health nutrition, clinical nutrition, sports nutrition, or nutrition in critical care. Our free-access library gives you access to scientific articles on a range of nutrition topics, such as:

  • Early infant nutrition and its impact on growth and development
  • Nutritional management of allergies and prevention strategies
  • Sports nutrition and how to optimise performance and recovery
  • Nutrition in disease states such as dysphagia or critical illness

All publications are downloadable and are organised by topic to make it easier for you to find specific information and you can also use our search function. Whether you are conducting research on clinical guidelines, working on your post-graduate studies, developing material patient education, or simply keeping up with nutrition trends, our publications are well written and credible.

The NNIA is committed to advancing public health and nutrition research by sharing its findings with the scientific community and healthcare professionals. We hope you enjoy exploring our library of publications and discover new insights and ideas for your work.

If you are interested in learning more about the latest nutrition topics, you can also sign up for our newsletters through which we keep subscribers informed of free online courses and webinars, which are delivered by experts in the field of nutrition.

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NNI Global Publications
NNI Global Publications

NNI Global Publications

The NNI Africa will perodically release booklets covering a variety of Nutrition aspects. Visit regularly to see what are the latest releases.

NNI Africa Publications

NNI Africa Publications

The NNI Africa will perodically release booklets covering a variety of Nutrition aspects. Visit regularly to see what are the latest releases.

The South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition

The South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Welcome to the South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition It is a peer-reviewed scientific journal and is published quarterly.