
Keep up with the latest nutrition news and more from the Nestlé Nutrition Institute and other organizations around the world.

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Nutritional Topic
Fortified Cereal

The role of fortified cereal in anemia treatment

Read about how fortified infant cereals rich in iron can combat iron deficiency anemia in children aged 6–23 months.

The importance of personalised

Prenatal iron supplementation study

Read about a clinical trial that recommends personalised prenatal iron supplementation based on expectant mothers’...

A Guideline for treating anemia in patients

A guideline to treating anemia in patients

Explore the WHO's new guideline on defining anemia with research-backed strategies. Essential for healthcare...


The role of nutrition in Hepatitis management


Nutritional Recommendations for Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

navigating child nutrition

Navigating child nutrition: Unveiling causes, challenges, and remedies

Alex Bulambo

Empowering Communities Through Nutrition: Alex Lengson Bulambo's Inspiring Journey