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Nutritional Topic

Workshop101 - Agenda

Session I.
Early life gut microbiome ecological pattern

Session II.
Microbiome, nutritional modulators and health...

Preventative medication

Preventative medication

Anastrozole is being tested as a preventive breast cancer treatment for post-menopausal women with a breast cancer...

Discover how immunonutrition with arginine and omega-3s reduces postoperative infections and hospital stays, enhancing recovery in cancer surgery patients.

The efficacy of immunonutrition vs standard nutrition

Discover how immunonutrition with arginine and omega-3s reduces postoperative infections and hospital stays, enhancing...

Early Detection

Early detection & guided intervention for malnutrition

Fortified Cereal

The role of fortified cereal in anemia treatment

The importance of personalised

Prenatal iron supplementation study

A Guideline for treating anemia in patients

A guideline to treating anemia in patients