Tech Round-Up: Online nutrition tools and apps

Consistent monitoring of patient health and nutrition is essential and advancements in technology has made this easier for healthcare practitioners, as well as for patients. With smartwatches, step-counters, web tools and smartphone apps, we are now well-equipped to track steps and exercise, capture the nutritional quantities of our patient’s snacks and even monitor their sleep patterns or water consumption. This has major benefits for personalising nutrition.
We take a closer look at some useful nutrition, diet and health apps and web tools.
Disclaimer: NNI is not responsible for the creation, content or management of all the apps listed below. Therefore, it cannot advocate for the non-discretionary use of any apps. Healthcare professionals should use their own skilled discretion in the use of any apps.
Manage your practice & your patients
- MNA Guide
Compiled by Nestlé Nutrition Institute (NNI), this Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) guide assists practitioners in accurately completing the full MNA. It explains how to complete each question as well as how to assign and interpret scores. It also explains how the MNA differs from the Mini Nutritional Assessment – Short Form (MNA-SF).
- NNI Growth charts tools
Developed by NNI, these online tools enable regular measurement of weight and length/height, as well as calculates the Body Mass Index (BMI) in children.
- NNI Screening Tools and Algorithms
Developed by NNI, these validated nutrition screening and assessment tools will help practitioners identify patients who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition and/or pressure ulcers. Tools include an Enteral Feeding Protocol for Critically Ill Patients, a Mini Nutritional Assessment and Nutrition Guidelines for the Prevention & Treatment of Pressure Injuries.
- NNI Swallowing screening tool
Developed to assist practitioners identify signs of dysphagia. The EAT-10 is a quick and easy screening method, validated to identify individuals at risk for dysphagia. Available in multiple languages.
- Nestle We Are Nutrition – AppStore (Free)
An app for healthcare professionals, to improve the nutrition of patients. Includes diagnostic and augmented reality tools, a collaboration hub and e-learning resources.
- Dietary Assessment Tools - Nutritools
A website with a list of different assessment tools which dietitians might need to manage different patients.
- Paediatric Nutrition Assessment tools
NNI has developed a number of nutrition screening and assessment tools to help identify malnutrition in the critically ill children.
- NutriLeap
A mobile app for clinical dietitians. Calculates nutrition needs, enables design of customized handouts for patients and streamlines administration/documentation. Currently undergoing beta testing.
- Nutrium software (US $28 - $44/month)
Software for practitioners, to manage patient health as well as manage their practice (i.e. manage client appointments and profiles).
- My PT Hub (US $20 - $40/month)
Developed for coaches and personal trainers, this online platform allows practitioners to create and track training and nutrition programmes for their clients, as well as manage their practice (i.e. client billing, etc).
- CPNN app – AppStore (Free)
The app for the Certificate Program in Nursing and Nutrition (CPNN) – a is an educational programme from NNI and MedInscribe, in collaboration with the Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing (IJHN).
- ICPN app – AppStore & GooglePlay (Free)
The app-based self-learning programme for paediatric nutrition. The International Certificate in Pediatric Nutrition (ICPN) programme from NNI and MedInscribe, in association with the prestigious Thomas Jefferson University (TJU), Philadelphia, USA.
- Nutricare Tools - AppStore & GooglePlay (US$14.99)
An app for registered dietitians or nutritionists, to assess and manage patients. Includes nutrition assessment calculators, nutrition reference pages, meal planning resources and tips for patients.
- Nestlé Medical Hub - AppStore & GooglePlay (Free)
Provides healthcare professionals with a comprehensive overview of the nutrition products that Nestlé Health Science offers, including ingredients, product features and complete nutrient profiles. This resource is updated in real-time whenever products change or new products are available, so you can trust that you have the latest information to help you make decisions about how to feed your patients.
Understanding nutrients
- NNI Practical Tools and Training
A series of interactive and animated e-learnings modules that explain the role of nutrients and minerals.
- Discover Foods
Developed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), this directory lists different foods, their health benefits, how to buy them (i.e. checking for ripeness) and also how to prepare meals with these foods.
- Nutrition Facts –AppStore & GooglePlay. (Free)
Offers nutritional information (protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and calories) for more than 8 700 different food products.
- Nutrients App – AppStore & GooglePlay (US$4.99)
Offers nutrition facts for food (including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fats, fatty acids, sugars, sterols, and more compounds like caffeine). Also features a food journal, for tracking or planning meals.
Tracking and managing calories and/or activity
- Calorie Calculator by Stevensons Creek Software
This tool is part of the Athlete’s Calculator. It calculates the calorie requirement for an athlete, based on their daily activity.
- Dietician’s Planner
A website that calculates required calories, including nutrient content, using one of 5 available formulas (Harris-Benedict, Mifflin, WHO and Owen). Also available as a downloadable tool.
- DRI Calculator for Healthcare Professionals
Developed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). This web-based tool calculates daily nutrient recommendations based on the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) established by the US Health and Medicine Division of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
- MyFitnessPal – AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
With a food database of over 3 million items plus recipes, a barcode scanner and a calorie counter, this app enables the user to track food intake and physical activity. Supported by an online platform, with community forums and blogs. Connects with multiple other apps and devices, for ease of use.
- 8fit Workout & Meal Planner - AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Weekly meal planner and exercise programmes developed by fitness and nutrition experts. Includes nutrition tips, videos, etc.
- Fooducate – AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Tracks calories, macros, and workouts, personalised to the user. Also scans food products to offer nutrition information. Features a database and a barcode scanner, makes suggestions for healthier food options, tips from nutrition professionals.
- LifeSum! – AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Features diet plans, food diaries, macro calculator, calorie counter and healthy recipes.
- MyNetDiary Calorie Counter - AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Offers a calorie counter, food log, macronutrient tracker, and diet plans.
- MyPlate Calorie Counter – AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Features a food database (over 2 million items) and a barcode scanner, to enable food tracking. Also features customisable meal plans with reminders; exercise tracker and weight tracker.
- Lose It! – AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
A calorie counting app for weight management of weight loss. Users set their goals and then track their exercise and foods.
- Ate Food Diary & Habit Tracker - AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Mindful eating app, featuring food tracker with notes on reason for eating, emotions, etc. Track eating habits over time.
- Calorie Counter from NutraCheck – AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Tracks your food and nutrition (including calories and macros) as well as exercise.
Tracking your water intake
- Waterlogged - AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Users set hydration targets and this app tracks their water consumption and sends personalised reminders to drink more water.
- Water Drink Reminder – GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Users enter their details and the app determines their recommended water intake, with personalised reminders. Tracks drinks.
- My Water: Daily Drink Tracker – AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
App calculates the user’s water requirements, sends reminders and motivates the user. Features include statistical graphs and tips.
Healthy Recipes
- Nestlé Cocina - AppStore (Free)
Features more than 2,000 video recipes and tricks to help the user prepare meals, recommended by nutrition experts. Includes a Menu Planner tool. Available in Spanish and English.
- SuperFood Healthy Recipes – AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Features a calorie counter and nutrition information, meal tracker and recipes.
- ChefTap – AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Recipe clipper, meal planner, menu creator, grocery list. Upgrade to Pro for extended features.
- Healthy Recipes – AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Database of over 1 million recipes with detailed nutritional information. Collect, organise and share recipes and shopping lists.
" - Mealime Meal Plans & Recipes – AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Personalised weekly meal plans with healthy recipes (customised to needs and preferences). Features include grocery list and nutrition information.
Making healthy food choices
- Health Educator’s Nutrition Toolkit
Developed by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), this website was designed to assist dietitians and health educators teach their patients (or students) about nutrition. The Toolkit includes a range of resources, such as tips for reading food labels and tips for healthier food shopping.
- Yummly - AppStore & GooglePlay (Free; in-app purchases)
Features customisable meal plans, recipes (with a database of over 2 million recipes) and grocery lists.
- ShopWell - AppStore & GooglePlay (Free)
Users create a food profile, including dietary goals, food allergies and preferences, etc. The barcode scanner scans any food item and provides a personalised nutrition score, making personalised recommendations.
Managing digestion disorders, dietary restrictions or food preferences
- CoMISS Awareness Tool
This tool, developed by Nestlè Health Science, increases awareness of the most common symptoms of cows’ milk allergy (CMA). It can aid an earlier diagnosis or track the evolution of symptoms over time. It’s an easy-to-use tool for non-IgE mediated cows' milk-related symptoms.
- Dysphagia Calculator
This online spreadsheet was developed to assist dietitians with the development of dysphagia menus for their patients. It tracks macro-nutrients.
- Excel Renal Calculator
An excel-based tool for dietitians and their patients, to calculate renal diets.
- Spoon Guru - AppStore (Free)
For users with complex dietary requirements (e.g. food allergies, prescription diet, etc.) Features a barcode scanner, recipes, and product search.
- Food Maestro - AppStore & GooglePlay (Free)
For users with food intolerances, specific diets or food allergies. Includes personalised dietary profiles, barcode scanners, shopping lists and tips from dietitians.
- Cara Care - AppStore & GooglePlay (Free)
Developed for individuals with digestive disorders, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Celiac disease or food intolerances. It tracks the user’s food and their symptoms, to help manage their condition.
- mySymptoms Food Diary & Symptom Tracker - AppStore & GooglePlay (US$4.99)
A food diary that also tracks symptoms associated with digestive disorders such as IBS. Also tracks stress, sleep, mood and medication.