WHO anemia guideline
The WHO shares new Guideline on how to diagnose and treat anemia
Did you know that the WHO has published the Guideline on haemoglobin cutoffs to define anaemia in individuals and populations? The guideline incorporates the latest advancements in the field, utilising research findings, ethical considerations and equity-focused strategies on how to effectively diagnose and treat iron deficiency anaemia.
This guideline is a must-read for healthcare professionals, providing information on the influence of factors such as lifestyle, race and genetics on measuring haemoglobin levels in patients. The guideline also highlights the impact of various interventions on patients.
World Health Organisation. (2024). Guideline on haemoglobin cutoffs to define anaemia in individuals and populations. World Health Organisation.
Guideline on haemoglobin cutoffs to define anaemia in individuals and populations (who.int)