Meet The New NNIA Scientific Board Members

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Growth & Development Nutrition Health & Wellness

The board plays an important role in steering the institute towards meeting its objectives throughout the African continent. We would like to thank the recently retired scientific board members (SBMs); Dr A Ajayi and Prof G Sall for their contributions in the past three years. 

We look forward to their continued support of the NNIA through its regional activities. It is our pleasure to welcome three new SBMs from the EAR and CWAR regions.

Dr Flore Tanoh  Prof-J-Renner.jpg Prof-Simon-Ategbo
Prof Flore Dick Amon-Tanoh
from the University of Medical
Sciences of Cocody Abidjan;
Prof James Kweku Renner
from the Department of Pediatrics, University of Lagos
Prof Simon Jonas Ategbo
from the Libreville
Faculty of Medicine.