The NNIA Scientific Board in Namibia

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Growth & Development Nutrition Health & Wellness

The board members gathered information about the history, challenges and the health care system of the country through a mini tour of the area, a visit to a health care facility (Rhino Park Hospital) and engaging with various stakeholders responsible for health care in the country.

Through discussions the Scientific Board and stakeholders resolved to work together to develop capacity:

  • Through training nurses in antenatal care by facilitating partnerships with skilled organisations
  • Supporting participation in UNISA’s Distance-Learning Programme in nutrition
  • Supporting dieticians and nurses in working together to educate communities
  • Supporting the development of relevant educational materials

The visit to Namibia ended with a scientific meeting, where about 70 health care professionals listened to local and invited speakers on the nutritional landscape in Namibia and the importance of good nutrition in the first 1000 days of life.

The next NNIA Scientific Board Meeting will be held in Kampala, Uganda and promises to be another opportunity for the NNIA to “further understanding of the science of nutrition”.

Back row from left Prof Renner (Nigeria), Ms Whati (NNIA Secretariat), Prof R Andrianasolo (Madagascar - Vice Chair, Prof Anabwani (Botswana - Chairman), Dr Nel (NNI Board Member), Prof Ategbo (Côte d’lvoire), Prof Were (Kenya), Ms Gericke ( South Africa) and Ms Chanda (Zambia)
Front row from left Ms Kegakilwe (Nestlé Nutrition), Ms Coetzee (Nestlé Nutrition), Sr Angie Phillips (Rhino Park Hospital), Prof Noormahomed (Mozambique) and Ms de Beer (Nestlé)