Complementary Feeding- Latest insights

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Pregnancy and breastfeeding Growth & Development Nutrition Health & Wellness

How important is it for babies to learn how to chew

  • A baby who is exposed to texturised foods from 9 months will accept a variety of foods more easily
  • Chewing the food exposes more of  it to the various digestive enzymes, leading to better absorption
  • Creates space in the jaw for the permanent teeth

Evolution of Breastmilk: Energy and Protein

Throughout the lactation period, breastmilk evolves to meet the needs of the growing infants

  • During the first four months the energy needs of the infant increases, this leads to a corresponding increase in the volume consumed. After 4 months the volume remains constant
  • After the initial spike, the daily caloric needs decreases throughout the 1st year. The average for both boys and girls at 1 month is 110kcal/kg/day at 1 months, and is 80kcal/kg/day at 12 months
  • Growth rate and protein intake decreases to half the initial levels from 6 months of life.  It is not only intake but also the protein levels in breastmilk that also declines. The ratio of whey: casein moves from 100:0 and reached 50:50 in late lactation