NNI in Africa joins hands with the Ivorian Paediatric Society to reduce child mortality

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From 24 to 26 June 2015, the Ivorian Paediatric Society (SIP) held its 7th Congress, which focused on Prevention of diseases for the reduction of child mortality.

Around 300 delegates from 5 French-speaking countries in Central and West Africa reflected on ways of preventing diseases in children as a means of reducing infant mortality. This was important as all of the represented countries were behind in meeting the Millennium Development Goal in this regard.

At the NNIA stand, we held neonatal resuscitation sessions commonly known as ‘helping babies breath’. Delegates registered for the sessions on Day 1, and from Day 2, groups of 10 to 15 healthcare professionals had 30-minute training sessions. Participants included Pediatricians, Paediatric Residents, Midwives, and Paediatric Nurses present at the congress. For most of the healthcare professionals as well for the Ivorian Minister of Health, such initiatives will go a long way to reduce infant mortality in Côte D’Ivoire.

Ivorian Pediatric Society


Ivorian Pediatric Society

Close to 270 healthcare professionals visited the NNIA stand and about 100 benefited from ‘help babies breath’ sessions.