NNIA heads a symposium on breastfeeding and long term health

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Nutrition & Disease Management Growth & Development Nutrition Health & Wellness Gut Microbiota Obesity Low Birth Weight

A workshop focusing on the breastfeeding and long term health was led by Nestlé Nutrition Institute Africa (NNIA) in Douala, Cameroun on the 3rd of August 2016.

This scientific workshop was organised in partnership with the midwives association of Cameroon (ASFAC) under the supervision of the Ministry of Health of Cameroon. It aimed at offering midwives a practical and engaging approach to breastfeeding and give them access to current nutritional information on the impact of breastfeeding and long term health.

In her keynote presentation on the proteins of breastmilk, Dr EPOSSE Charlotte, paediatrician, emphasised on the fact that breastmilk offers a unique protein quantity and quality which is key in prevention of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular conditions. Earlier on in the training, M. Dongo, lecturer at the school of midwifery offered, practical solutions to the participants for various challenges encountered by the breastfeeding mothers they meet.

“This scientific forum has provided an opportunity for midwives who took part at the recent CWAR Advanced Nutrition Course for paramedic-CANUP to share their knowledge and experience with their colleagues and fellow midwives” said M. Kemogne (representing the president of the midwives Association).
“Midwives who are constantly faced with the challenge of helping mothers make nutrition decisions and actions need opportunities like this to help them gain further knowledge and skills on maternal and infant nutrition. It will help them to continue to offer high-quality service and expertise in their own practices.” said M. MAHOP head of nutrition intervention at the Ministry of Health.

After completing the training, participants were encouraged to follow up on the NNIA website and take part in monthly activities to help them keep up-to-date on nutritional information and practices.
This workshop on breastfeeding was one amongst others that took place in Tchad, Gabon and other regions in Cameroon on the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week 2016.