Niger: Train the Trainers Workshop in Neonatal Resuscitation

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Nutrition & Disease Management Nutrition Health & Wellness

On 13 & 14 April 2017, the NNIA organised two workshops on neonatal resuscitation for 30 doctors and 36 mid-wives and nurses involved in neonatology’s care. This was done in collaboration with the Niger Pediatric Association, Niger Gynaecologic & Obstetrical Association, Niger Mid-wives Association and the Mother & Child Directorate at the Ministry of Health.

Train the Trainers Workshop          Train the Trainers Workshop

According to UNICEF health indicators (The State of the World’s Children 2015), the neonatal mortality rate is about 28%, positioning Niger at 10th in the worldwide rank. The three main reasons of this fatality type are premature birth, maternofoetal infections and neonatal asphyxia. The purpose of the workshops was to equip healthcare professionals with adequate skills in order to improve neonatal care and help babies breathe at birth.

All stakeholders expressed their satisfaction to NNIA, which has committed to support a step-down seminar where the 66 trainees will share their learning. The objective is to train 500 additional healthcare professionals in neonatal resuscitation. For that purpose, a donation of ambu-bags was made by the NNIA to the four pilot hospitals of this project.

Train the Trainers Workshop          Train the Trainers Workshop

The Head of the Mother and Child Directorate has commended this initiative as support to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to reduce neonatal mortality in Niger to 16% by 2030.