12th CNE Symposium 2017 In South Africa

2 min read /
Nutrition & Disease Management Nutrition Health & Wellness

Theme: Tracking nutrition science through the lifecycle


On the 7th & 8th of October 2017, the NNIA in collaboration with the University of Pretoria (UP) hosted the 12th CNE Symposium at UP with live streaming to the Nelson Mandela University.  The event attracted more than 200 dieticians from around the country.


Topics presented by local and international speakers 

  • Insights from the SADHS 2016 for nutrition in the life cycle
  • Maternal Nutrition & Health Outcomes
  • Sugar – Hype or Scientifically sound
  • Nutrition in preterm infants: Are we applying the science correctly?
  • Prevention of paediatric overweight – dream or reality?
  • Infant feeding and allergies
  • Trim tots:  a case for paediatric nutrition counselling
  • Carbohydrate counting principles
  • For guts’ ache – A review of irritable bowel syndrome and introduction of the low FODMAP diet.
  • Osteoporosis: Modern paradigms for last century’s bones
  • Sarcopenic obesity – the next frontier
  • Nutrition and the brain: food for thought
  • Nutrition counselling through the life cycle: What you need to know about yourself?
  • Social media – friend or foe?

Some of the symposium delegates between topics



Participants were encouraged to freely download publications on the latest nutrition topics, such as early infant nutrition, nutritional avenues to allergies, sports nutrition, and nutrition in disease states such as dysphagia or critical illness directly from the website.

Should you need a copy of any of the presentations, contact your NNIA coordinator. For South Africa the contact person is Dineo Molatedi. Email address: dineo.molatedi@za.nestle.com or phone her on 011 514 6223.