Unique Global Programme Helps Healthcare Professionals Improve Infant Health And Nutrition Around The World

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Nutrition & Disease Management Nutrition Health & Wellness

The global health programme was developed by Boston University and Medinscribe, with the support of the NNIA.


PGPN was developed and facilitated by Medinscribe in association with Boston University School of Medicine, a leader in medical education, and has been supported by the Nestlé Nutrition Institute.

On 04, 09 and 10 November 2018 the NNIA hosted a symposium and graduation ceremony in Lesotho and South Africa for healthcare professionals who completed the programme.

The programme was officiated by Dr. Clifford Lo, Adjunct Professor of Nutrition at the Harvard Medical School Children’s Hospital and Associate Professor Paediatrics, Harvard Medical School.  He presented on Establishing Healthy Food Habits in Children and Review of Case Vignettes of Nutrition Problems in Children. He then officially handed certificates to the graduates on behalf of Boston University School of Medicine

In October and November 2018, more than 260 healthcare professionals (HCPs) from five countries completed the unique global Post Graduate Program for Paediatric Nutrition PGPN).

The aim of PGPN is to help keep healthcare professionals up-to-date on the evolving science of paediatric nutrition. With almost half the world’s population now affected by either over-nutrition or undernutrition, getting nutrition right from the start has never been more important. HCPs are in a unique position to influence the nutrition, health and overall wellbeing of infants and young children, which is crucial during the first 1 000 days of life. Ensuring optimal nutrition in this period lays a foundation for growth and development, as it affects not only the immediate state of health of infants but also the health of future generations. With its focus on this specific period of life, PGPN helps expand and upgrade healthcare professionals` knowledge base and build capabilities – especially in nutrition related topics.

The programme provides the most current information in nutrition and healthy lifestyles; highlights evidence-based practice; and ultimately provides the necessary foundation to integrate paediatric nutrition into clinical practice. A multidisciplinary panel of healthcare professionals with expertise in nutrition and obesity medicine, dietetics, and global health is mentoring the programme with the goal of providing a holistic approach. With an approximate 97% completion rate, HCPs rated the modules as “highly relevant to their clinical practice” and took immense pride in sharing their PGPN experience and knowledge with their peers.

The NNI in Switzerland provides leading science-based information and education with healthcare professionals, scientists and nutrition communities and stakeholders in all parts of the world through various forms of interaction. Since 1981, education has been an important part of its strategy to share knowledge and further global understanding of the impact of nutrition at every stage of life.



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