Expansion of the “The First 1 000 Days Nurses’ Academy” by Nestlé Nutrition Institute Africa – East Africa

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Nursing Pediatrics Growth & Development Nutrition Health & Wellness

Launch of the First Edition of “The First 1 000 Days Nurses’ Academy” by Nestlé Nutrition Institute Africa, Ethiopia.

The inaugural session of the Nurses’ and Midwives’ Academy, in partnership with the Ethiopian Nurses Association, was held on March 23rd and 24th 2019 at the Intercontinental Hotel, Addis Ababa. A record of 220 participants attended the two-day event. Nurses are the primary care givers in a hospital setting and the training content was aimed at equipping them with basic nutrition knowledge.

The Academy has a clear mandate to emphasis and train nurses and midwives on the importance of nutrition in the first 1 000 days of life. Training translates the latest science into practical nutrition and feeding advice which gives nurses and midwives the incredible opportunity to help babies reach their full potential. The Nestlé Nutrition Institute Africa believes that every baby deserves the chance to lead a happy, healthy and productive life.

Some of the remarks:

“I have had too many trainings before, however the training I had these past two days was very informative and up-to-date and I am pleased to be part of this training. I hope Nestlé continues to organise such kind of academy in the future.” Fikralem Gebreyes, Mother-to-Child Health Unit — Anania Hospital.

“Nestlé believes in educating the HCPs with updated information and this makes me happy. I have learnt the advantage of probiotics, for example, and its benefits not only for an infant but for adults as well.” Helen Tamiru, International Cardiac Medical Centre (ICMC)


Pic 1: Participants’ registration at The First 1 000 Days Nurses’ Academy training at the Intercontinental Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Pic 2 & 3: Participants during The First 1 000 Days Nurses’ Academy training at the Intercontinental Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Launch of the Second Edition of “The First 1 000 Days Nurses’ Academy” by Nestlé Nutrition Institute Africa, Kenya.

The Kenya Paediatric Nurses Chapter (KPNC) in partnership with Nestlé Nutrition Institute Africa (NNIA) on 29th March, 2019 kicked off training of the second cohort of 200 nurses in paediatrics and midwifery. The nurses were drawn from private and public hospitals across Nairobi. The Academy training aims to translate the latest science into practical nutrition and feeding advice.

Held at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Nairobi, this was a sequel to last year’s programme aimed at training nurses on promoting healthy nutrition in the crucial first 1 000 days for newborn babies.

The course was conducted by distinguished experts and contained four modules: Epigenetics and Metabolic Programming, Synergistic Combination of nutrients in influencing physical growth and milestones in children, Impact of Nutrition on Early Child Cognitive and Visual Development, and Probiotics and Health.

Speaking about the second Nurses Academy event in Nairobi, KPNC Chairperson Consolata Kalafa said the annual course is already playing a great role in helping the country address cases of infant mortality and malnutrition and is boosting nurses’ ability to integrate paediatric nutrition into clinical practice.


Pic 1: Caroline Osundwa, Executive. MBA, BSc. In Nursing, and Act. Head of Outpatient Services, Getrudes Childrens’ Hospital, one of the four facilitators, as she facilitated a session during The First 1 000 Days Nurses’ Academy training at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya.


Pic 2: Eunice Minoo Kimeu, Nursing officer at Kangundo Level 4 Hospital (Centre), as she explains to her group members why child growth is important for infants during The First 1 000 Days Nurses’ Academy  training session at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Nairobi.


Pic 3: Alfred Obengo, Chairman of National Nurses’ Association of Kenya, talking about raising the profile of nursing in Kenya during TheFirst 1 000 Days Nurses’ Academy training session at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Nairobi.


Pic 4: Participants of The Matter Hospital as they receive their Certificate of Participation during The First 1 000 Days Nurses’ Academy  training session at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Nairobi.


Pic 5: From left: Mr. Luke Gomes, Nutrition Business Manager Cluster 1-5, Caroline Osundwa, Executive. MBA, BSc. In Nursing, and Act. Head of Outpatient Services, Gertrude’s Childrens’ Hospital, Dr. Renson Mukhwana, Senior Resident Pediatrician/ Endocrinologist, Getrudes Childrens’ Hospital and sitting President of ASPAE (African Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology) and Elidy Wangeci, Regional Coordinator for Nestlé Nutrition Institute Africa during The First 1 000 Days Nurses’ Academy training session at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Nairobi.