What we eat is at the heart of our daily existence.

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Nutrition & Disease Management Nutrition Health & Wellness

What we eat is at the heart of our daily existence. Food is a necessity for life, and eating well helps us feel well, have more energy, and become more productive, says Medical News Today. But just what “eating well’ means leaves some room for debate.

According to Appetite, nutrition information on food labels is an important source of nutrition information but is typically underutilised by consumers.

Some nutritionists believe that eating a morning meal helps stimulate the metabolism so that more calories burn faster. There have been studies in the past that have found a correlation between obesity and a tendency to skip breakfast. However, this not what a study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) last month found. Researchers found that the total daily energy (calorie) intake tends to be higher in people who regularly eat breakfast.

In a new study, published in the American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism, suggests that flaxseed fibre can lower obesity markers. This is a popular add-on in foods because of its many health benefits, including improving cholesterol.