Incorporating superfoods into your daily nutrition

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Nutrition Health & Wellness

Over the years, research has shown that a healthy diet can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, chronic disease and even certain cancers. Sadly, no single food can offer all the nutrition and energy we need. Not even a superfood.

However, “superfoods” do offer some very important nutrients that can power-pack your meals and snacks to further enhance healthy eating. According to INTEGRIS, Superfoods are foods are nutrient-dense and provide us with nutrients that, due to lifestyle choices, are lacking from our diet.

Katherine D. McManus (MS, RD, LDN) says that while superfoods have been around forever, many people aren’t sure how to incorporate them into their daily diets.

Here are some tips from McManus on 10 superfoods and how to use them.

Why a Superfood?

How to include:

Berries:Frozen are just as healthy as fresh

High in fibre

Naturally sweet

Rich colours mean they’re high in anti-oxidants and disease-fighting nutrients.

Add to yogurt, cereals, and smoothies, or eat plain for a snack.

Fish: Fresh, frozen, or canned

A good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which help prevent heart disease.

Choose salmon, tuna steaks, mackerel, herring, trout, anchovies, and sardines.

Add to salads and pasta dishes or sandwiches.

Leafy Greens: Chemicals made by plants have a positive effect on your health

Dark, leafy greens are a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium, as well as several phytochemicals.

They also add fibre to your diet.

Try varieties such as spinach, swiss chard, kale, collard greens, or mustard greens. Throw them into salads or sauté them in a little olive oil. You can also add greens to soups and stews.

Nuts: Hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, pecans

Nuts are a good source of plant protein.

They also contain monounsaturated fats, which may be a factor in reducing the risk of heart disease.

Add a handful to oatmeal or yogurt or have as a snack. But remember they are calorically dense, so limit to a small handful. Nut butters and raw nuts are great with cooked veggies or salads.

Olive Oil: Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest

Olive oil is a good source of vitamin E, polyphenols, and monounsaturated fatty acids, all which help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Use in place of butter or margarine in pasta or rice dishes. Drizzle over vegetables, use as a dressing, or when sautéing. You can even use it on bread / toast.

Whole Grains: Look for “100% whole wheat flour”

A good source of both soluble and insoluble fibre

Contain several B vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients.

They lower cholesterol and protect against heart disease and diabetes.

Try having a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Substitute bulgur, quinoa, wheat berries, or brown rice for your usual baked potato.

Yogurt: Probiotics are “good bacteria” that protect the gut

A good source of calcium and protein, yogurt also contains live cultures called probiotics.

Look for yogurts that have “live active cultures” such as Lactobacillus, L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, and S. thermophilus. You can use yogurt in place of mayonnaise or sour cream in dips or sauces.

Remember that fruited or flavoured yogurts have a lot of added sugar – rather buy plain and add your own fresh fruit.

Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radishes, and turnips

An excellent source of fibre, vitamins, and phytochemicals including indoles, thiocyanates, and nitriles, which may prevent against some types of cancer.

Steam or stir-fry, adding healthy oils and herbs and seasonings for flavour. Try adding a frozen cruciferous vegetable medley to soups, casseroles, and pasta dishes.

Legumes: Kidney, black, red, and garbanzo beans, as well as soybeans and peas

An excellent source of fibre, folate, and plant-based protein. Studies show they can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Add to salads, soups, and casseroles.

Make a chili or a bean- based spread such as hummus.

Tomatoes :Lycopene becomes more available for your body to use when tomatoes are prepared and heated in a healthy fat such as olive oil.

These are high in vitamin C and lycopene, which has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Try tomatoes in a salad or as a tomato sauce over your pasta. You can also put them in stews, soups, and in sandwiches.