Fast Nutrient Deficiency Facts

2 min read /
Nutrition Health & Wellness

Micronutrient deficiencies are a pertinent issue to many adults on a global scale, alongside general nutrient deficiencies. These statistics paint an overview of the kind of nutrient deficiencies faced by individuals all over the world, from Africa to Europe, focusing on Vitamin A to Zinc deficiencies.nutritious-1993274_1280

  • Over 30% of the world’s population are anaemic (many cases are due to iron deficiency).
  • Vitamin-A deficiency is the leading cause of preventable blindness in children.
    • This manifests in a milder form as night blindness but in stronger cases, this progresses to permanent blindness.
  • Over 815 million adults worldwide go hungry daily.
  • In Africa, 17% of women and 7% of men are obese.
  • In the African adult population, 8.1% of women and 7.9% of men are diabetic.


  • In the United States, about 42% of people may be deficient in Vitamin D.
    • This percentage increases to 74% in older adults and 82% in people with dark skin since their skin produces less vitamin D in response to sunlight


  • In a United States survey, it was found that many individuals were not meeting the recommended calcium intake. The percentages of those meeting their calcium intake were as follows:
    • Less than 15% of teenage girls
    • Less than 10% of women over 50
    • Less than 22% of teenage boys and men over 50