NNI Africa Publications

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Improving Children’s Diet

Improving Children’s Diet

Worldwide, fewer than one-third of children aged 6–24 months receive adequate dietary diversity and only about half receive a sufficient number of meals each day.

Everything about HMOs
Everything about HMO's

Everything about HMO's

Around the 1930’s, scientists discovered that the type of lactose found in human breastmilk contains a carbohydrate fraction, which they were able to characterise as the bifidogenic factor consisting of oligosaccharides.

Born Too Soon or Too Small
Born Too Soon or Too Small

Born Too Soon or Too Small

The agenda of this NNI workshop included findings on feeding practices. They include three sessions: Global Epidemiology, Catch up Growth, and Feeding Practices in the context of low birth weight infants and small for gestational age infants.

Breastfeeding Baby booklet

Breastfeeding Baby booklet

Allergy Prevention Booklet_25.10.13

Allergy Prevention Booklet_25.10.13